Thursday, March 26, 2009


MARCH 26, 2009
MORE than twenty years have passed since the unhappy day when the American people, blinded by promises from foes at home and abroad, lost touch with honor and freedom, thereby losing all. Since that day of treachery, the Almighty has withheld his blessing from our people. Dissension and hatred descended upon us. With profound distress millions of the best American men and women from all walks of life have seen the unity of our nation vanishing away, dissolving in a confusion of political and personal opinions, economic interests, and ideological differences. Since that day, as so often in the past, America has presented a picture of heartbreaking disunity. We never received the equality and fraternity we had been promised, and we lost our liberty to boot. For when our nation lost its political place in the world, it soon lost its unity of spirit and will....
We are firmly convinced that the American nation entered the fight for socialism without the slightest feeling of guilt on its part and filled only with the desire to defend our country which had been attacked and to preserve the freedom, nay, the very existence, of the American people. This being so, we can only see in the disastrous fate which has overtaken us since those November days of 2008 the result of our collapse at home. But the rest of the world, too, has suffered no less since then from overwhelming crises. The balance of power which had evolved in the course of history, and which formerly played no small part in bringing about the understanding of the necessity for an internal solidarity of the nations, with all its advantages for trade and commerce, has been set on one side. The insane conception of victors and vanquished destroyed the confidence existing between nations, and, at the same time, the industry of the entire world.
The misery of our people is horrible to behold! Millions of the industrial proletariat is unemployed and starving; the whole of the middle class and the small artisans have been impoverished. When this collapse finally reaches the American People, we will be faced with an immeasurable disaster. For then not only shall a nation collapse, but a two-hundred-and-thirty-three-year-old inheritance, some of the loftiest products of human culture and civilization.
All about us the warning signs of this collapse are apparent. Socialism with its method of madness is making a powerful and insidious attack upon our dismayed and shattered nation. It seeks to poison and disrupt in order to hurl us into an epoch of chaos.... This negative, destroying spirit spared nothing of all that is highest and most valuable. Beginning with the family, it has undermined the very foundations of morality and faith and scoffs at culture and business, nation and Homeland, Justice and Honor. Twenty years of Liberalism have ruined America; four years of Obama-ism would destroy her. The richest and fairest territories of the world would be turned into a smoking heap of ruins. Even the sufferings of the last decade and a half could not be compared to the misery of an America in the heart of which the red flag of socialistic destruction had been hoisted. The thousands of wounded, the hundreds of dead which this inner strife has already cost America should be a warning of the storm which would come....
In those hours when our hearts were troubled about the life and the future of the American nation, the past leader’s of the World Wars appealed to us. They called to those of us in Republican parties and leagues to struggle under them once more, in unity and loyalty, for the salvation of the American nation. This time the front lines are at home. The venerable Republicans have allied themselves with us in this noble endeavor. And as leaders of the nation and the American Government we vow to God, to our conscience, and to our people that we will faithfully and resolutely fulfill the task conferred upon us.
The inheritance which has fallen to us is a terrible one. The task with which we are faced is the hardest which has fallen to American statesmen within the memory of man. But we are all filled with unbounded confidence for we believe in our people and their imperishable virtues. Every class and every individual must help us to found the new Republic.
The American Government will regard it as it’s first and foremost duty to revive in the nation the spirit of unity and co-operation. It will preserve and defend those basic principles on which our nation has been built. It regards Christianity as the foundation of our national morality, and the family as the basis of national life....
Turbulent instincts must be replaced by a national discipline as the guiding principle of our national life. All those institutions which are the strongholds of the energy and vitality of our nation will be taken under the special care of the Government.
The American Government intends to solve the problem of the reorganization of trade and commerce with two four-year plans:
The American worker must be rescued in order that the nation may be supplied with the necessities of life....
A concerted and all-embracing attack must be made on unemployment in order that the American working class may be saved from ruin....
The Liberal parties have ruined the American People in twenty years.
In twenty years they have created an army of millions of unemployed. The American Government will, with iron determination and unshakable steadfastness of purpose, put through the following plan:
Within four years the American Workers must be rescued from the quagmire into which he has fallen.
Within four years unemployment must be finally overcome. At the same time the conditions necessary for a revival in trade and commerce are provided.
The American Government will couple with this tremendous task of reorganizing business life a reorganization of the administrative and fiscal systems of the Republic, of the Federal States, and its Territories.
Only when this has been done can the idea of a continued federal existence of the entire Republic be fully realized....
Compulsory labor-service and the back-to-the-land policy are two of the basic principles of this program.
The securing of the necessities of life will include the performance of social duties to the sick and aged.
In economical administration, the promotion of employment, the preservation of the farmer, as well as in the exploitation of individual initiative, the Government sees the best guarantee for the avoidance of any experiments which would endanger the currency.
As regards its foreign policy the American Government considers its highest mission to be the securing of the right to live and the restoration of freedom to our nation. Its determination to bring to an end the chaotic state of affairs in America will assist in restoring to the community of nations a State of equal value and, above all, a State which must have equal rights. It is impressed with the importance of its duty to use this nation of equal rights as an instrument for the securing and maintenance of that peace which the world requires today more than ever before.
May the good will of all others assist in the fulfillment of this our earnest wish for the welfare of America and of the whole World.
Great as is our love for our Army as the bearer of our arms and the symbol of our great past, we should be happy if the world, by reducing its armaments, would see to it that we need never increase our own.
If, however, America is to experience this political and economic revival and conscientiously fulfill her duties toward the other nations, one decisive step is absolutely necessary first: the overcoming of the destroying menace of Socialism in America. We of this Republic feel responsible for the restoration of orderly life in the nation and for the final elimination of class madness and class struggle. We recognize no classes, we see only the American people, millions of citizens, bourgeois, and workers who will either overcome together the difficulties of these times or be overcome by them. We are firmly resolved and we have taken our oath. Since the present President is incapable of lending support to this work, we ask the American people whom we represent to perform the task themselves.
President Obama has called upon us to bring about the revival of the American nation. Unity is our tool. Therefore we now appeal to the American people to support this reconciliation. The American Republic Government wishes to work and it will work. It did not ruin the American nation for twenty years, but now it will lead the nation back to health. It is determined to make well in four years the ills of twenty years. But the American Government cannot make the work of reconstruction dependent upon the approval of those who wrought destruction the Democrats and Liberals. The Liberalist parties and their lackeys have had twenty years to show what they can do. The result is a heap of ruins.
Now, people of America, give us four years and then pass judgment upon us. In accordance with the Declaration of Independence we shall begin now. May God Almighty give our work His blessing, strengthen our purpose, and endow us with wisdom and the trust of our people, for we are fighting not for ourselves but for AMERICA.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


We have been pushed farther than our founding fathers yet we still sit back and let out government keep pushing. We need to replace the government with honest none politicians. We do not need to be law students to know how to do the right thing, it seems to me that the more educated you get the more crooked you get just look at how many Democrats don't pay their taxes. I think politicians go to school so they can learn how to break the law and then give us an apologetic story while the whole time they are flipping us off. We need just an average hard working American (BORN ON AMERICAN SOIL BY THIS I MEAN IN AMERICA) to be in office, some one we the people can relate to. I am sick of rich lawyers deciding what is best for me!!! those pricks want whats best for them!!!!

Americans need to remember the government should fear us not us fear the government!! We have the power to remove them from office and they need to remember that. How long must we continue to endure our rights being violated?? Our founding fathers wrote the BILL OF RIGHTS so that we will be protected from tyranny but here we are just over 200 years and we are back to having a type of monarchy. The mega rich call the shots and what do we do?? We just sit back and hope it will gets better. Well I say its time to take back America and put the rich back in their place. We are falling apart because of our fear of the government well my fear is gone now all I have is contempt for all the liberals who have made America weak, we need to get away from the old way of think that if it feels good just do it well, that theory has almost destroyed us.

Its time to fight back before its to late we now have an anti-gun government who wants to make us subjects not citizens. If we don't stop these communists in democrat clothing they will get what they want and that is to destroy the BILL OF RIGHTS!! And if you think that's not what they want then you have the IQ of a lemming, your just a follower with false trust in your government. If the government wants to show good faith then have them disarm all their body guards before asking me for my gun, if they won't trust me I sure the hell won't trust them.

My final word for today:

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Time for America to Fight Back

It’s the American citizen’s voice that needs to be heard now not rich politicians they are who put us in trouble!!!! It’s been to long since the American voice has been heard somewhere in our history honest men and women have been pushed aside so bleeding heart liberals can screw up everything. If you wonder what I mean look at America now no morals everything you see and hear is about drinking and sex you can’t let your children watch T.V. without parental advisory, come on what happened to the days when the worst you heard might have been damn or hell.

Well it’s time to tell the liberals to shut the hell up and quit trying to hide behind the First Amendment I am sure it did not mean go forth and verbally offend as many people as you can it meant you can speak out against the government without fear of retaliation. It seems strange to me that the liberals can understand freedom of speech but they can’t understand any of the other Amendments and yes by this I mean especially the Second Amendment:

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

How in the world can you not understand this it says THE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE!!!! NOT ONLY THE RIGHT OF THE MILITIA!!! The founding fathers knew that if you have unarmed citizens the government in time would be able to take them over and make them subjects. Well let’s look at what is going on, the government wants to take our guns and our ability to protect ourselves the government is out of control they want everyone to believe that gun owners are just a bunch of nut cases well it’s all those nut cases protecting every Americans rights to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of happiness.

All Americans should ask why do all the rich politicians really want us disarmed? Is it really to control violent crime? I really don’t think so since after Great Britain went to total gun control violent crime went up by 40% and the British people want their guns back. Why don’t we ever hear about that? Because the government wants you to believe their lies that they can take care of us, our government wants to take care of the rich and forget the people who vote them in.

The American people need to speak out a lot louder there are more gun owners in America than anti-gun owners but the anti-gun owners are louder, why? Take Sarah Brady her husband he gets shot while in the service of our government does this mean since he was shot we should get rid of guns? By the way I myself have been shot and I don’t want gun control I want GOVERNMENT CONTROL What about all the soldiers who die in war defending our rights or fighting to protect people in other countries. Should we throw down all are weapons and outlaw war, do you really think the rest of the world will respect our no war law? Sounds stupid right? Well to think a no war law would work is just as stupid to think a no gun law will work; criminals don’t RESPECT the LAW only people who have something to lose obey the law. If the government takes guns from American citizens it will make all citizens prisoners in their own homes just take a look at crime now its young kids doing the killing. Don’t take the guns make it okay for people to defend themselves, If you wait for the police to come to the rescue you will be dead they are always after the crime I don’t know about you but I want to be able to defend my self and my family. The criminal element is getting more brazen and they don’t care if their gun is registered all they want is money or drugs or just violence if you lose the right to protect yourself you lose your right to your pursuit of happiness. You cannot be happy if you live in fear. We all hear that there is a war on crime but it just seems to be a war on honest citizens!! law makers make laws to protect the criminal not the victim, for example a woman gets raped her picture is all over the paper and T.V. and her offender gets protected from all this embarrassment, he has a right to privacy, where is the justice in that. The crime rate in America is out of control and it starts in the highest offices of the government but all the politicians can aim at is all American citizens rights, they keep pointing the finger at us what about all politicians that keep getting caught recently, what will happen? Leave office and all is forgotten and forgiven. What about the police officers that keep breaking the public trust by abusing their authority? Who are we supposed to trust if we can’t trust the people we allow to govern us? Do we just sit back and continue to allow this or is it time for America to wake up and realize that we must take control of the government again and remind them that we allow them to have the authority to govern us and that we can take back what we grant.

It is apparent that our government does not read history or they would have read and memorized the most important document that changed the course of our country:


The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America

When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them. A decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights. That among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights. Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government. Laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence. indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes: and accordingly all experience bath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations. pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism. It is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government. And to provide new Guards for their future security. — Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies: and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpation's. All having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.

It is time for all Americans to realize if we don’t stand up and do something about this out of control government we will have a major holocaust or a revolution to unseat our government.

Its time to make our founding fathers proud.

Monday, March 2, 2009

We Have Returned...

We are the Constitutionalists and we are pissed