We have been pushed farther than our founding fathers yet we still sit back and let out government keep pushing. We need to replace the government with honest none politicians. We do not need to be law students to know how to do the right thing, it seems to me that the more educated you get the more crooked you get just look at how many Democrats don't pay their taxes. I think politicians go to school so they can learn how to break the law and then give us an apologetic story while the whole time they are flipping us off. We need just an average hard working American (BORN ON AMERICAN SOIL BY THIS I MEAN IN AMERICA) to be in office, some one we the people can relate to. I am sick of rich lawyers deciding what is best for me!!! those pricks want whats best for them!!!!
Americans need to remember the government should fear us not us fear the government!! We have the power to remove them from office and they need to remember that. How long must we continue to endure our rights being violated?? Our founding fathers wrote the BILL OF RIGHTS so that we will be protected from tyranny but here we are just over 200 years and we are back to having a type of monarchy. The mega rich call the shots and what do we do?? We just sit back and hope it will gets better. Well I say its time to take back America and put the rich back in their place. We are falling apart because of our fear of the government well my fear is gone now all I have is contempt for all the liberals who have made America weak, we need to get away from the old way of think that if it feels good just do it well, that theory has almost destroyed us.
Its time to fight back before its to late we now have an anti-gun government who wants to make us subjects not citizens. If we don't stop these communists in democrat clothing they will get what they want and that is to destroy the BILL OF RIGHTS!! And if you think that's not what they want then you have the IQ of a lemming, your just a follower with false trust in your government. If the government wants to show good faith then have them disarm all their body guards before asking me for my gun, if they won't trust me I sure the hell won't trust them.
My final word for today:
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